Home Improvement, created by Carmen Finestra, David McFadzean and Matt Williams, is an American TV sitcom that is hosted by Tim Allen. It was aired on ABC with 8 seasons of 204 episodes spanning since 17th September 1991 to 25th May 1999. During its telecast period it was rated one of the most watched TV show in the history.
The finale of Home Improvement telecasted on ABC at Tuesday night, powered up in the Nielsens, drew more than 35,000,000 viewers. This marked it as the 4th most viewed TV series of the decade. CBS’s The Cosby Show and NBC’s Cheers and Seinfeld were the only three shows ahead of Home Improvement that grabbed more audiences.
Cheers telecasted in 1993 drew about 80.4 million viewers, Seinfeld drew about 76.3 million viewers and Cosby in 1992 drew about 44.4 million viewers. The eight year run of the show came to end with a 90 minutes farewell show that drew ABC its highest rating for the season.
Home Improvement grabbed 16 rating that is the percentage of country’s 99.4% homes tuned in at that time. The show also grabbed 43 shares of the percentage of the TV sets kept on at that time. ABC had its best Tuesday night rating in seven years with three successful shows telecasted back to back (Home Improvement at 9:00 pm, Spin City at 9:30 pm and NYPD Blue at 10:00 pm).
The president of ABC entertainment, Jamie Tarses, noted that she was very much delighted with the turnout success of Home Improvement. She further reported that this show was much more successful that predicted and it was the only reason behind its long run.